
Showing posts from May, 2015

Studio Update: The State of Project U and Film Name Changes

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 30, 2015)      Today, we have some important announcements to make! Let's get started!      First, we would like to let you know that some of the Project U films have been re-named! It was a hard decision that has been lamenting since the beginning of the year, but the decision went ahead and has been implemented. "We were looking at our analytics and saw that our five most popular films, judged by lifetime viewership, are Forest of Fear , Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire , Johnny Thunder and the Secret of Marco Polo , Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile , and The Adventures of Legoman " said LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew. "According to our analytics page, most views come from suggested videos, which means that word selection is key to making sure that YouTube associates our films with as many other videos as possible. Yes, Team G.A.C.T.T.C.G.A.  may have been a cool name,...

The Quest for Canonization Officially Begins!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 21, 2015)      At Mustache Maniacs Film Co., the summer season has officially started today with the start of The Quest for Canonization ! In this new contest, fans will be challenged with writing brand-new stories that take place in the Mustache Maniacs Film Co. cinematic universe. First, here is the contest video: CLICK HERE      If you do not want to be bothered with the video, here are the official rules. Official Rules   The Quest for Canonization is an opportunity for the fans to submit their stories for the chance to win a place in the official Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Cinematic Universe, among other goodies! To submit an entry:    1. Make a video of your story. How you choose to tell your story is all up to you. You can animate it, have you and friends act it out, storyboard it, do a photo story, or even just film yourself reading it. The only limits...

Farewell to Kilroy Was Here! Month and Greetings to New Character Designs!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 20, 2015)      It feels like it started yesterday, but Kilroy Was Here! Month is now over. While it wasn't much, it was a fun way to wrap up the spring and to get ready for the summer season, which we'll be kicking off tomorrow with The Quest for Canonization story contest. But while you wait, we have some great news for you today!      After a slight delay, we are pleased to unveil the re-designed versions of Private Joe Kilroy (now a corporal) and Private Carl Ryder. Private Leo Pickford will be in A Future in the Past  as well, but his minifigure isn't ready yet. From left to right: Private Carl Ryder 2.0 and Corporal Joe Kilroy 2.0      As you can see from here, these characters, now seen in 1943 Sicily, look completely different from their counterpart designs for Kilroy Was Here! . Gone are their dress uniforms and dance shoes, all swapped out for rugged m...

Looking Back: Kilroy Was Here! - Ten Years Later

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 19, 2015)      It really is hard to believe that it has been ten years since Kilroy Was Here!  was first performed. Tomorrow is the official tenth anniversary of the performance, but we'll take a look back today.      Earlier this month, we took a look at several photos from the actual performance several days ago, but today, we're going to look at a few photos that were taken behind the scenes!       Here is our first backstage image: Daniel Bermudez as the M.P.! This particular photo was taken as a costume test for the M.P. for director Judy Barringer to approve. While his pants and shoes are concealed, it still gives a good look at the costume. The rest of these photos are all backstage photos that were taken during rehearsals and before the actual performance.      So there are the backstage photos that we have. I will admit that th...

Studio Update: New Poster, A Teaser, and May Updates!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 13, 2015)      Kilroy Was Here! Month is still in full swing, but we would like to divert from it temporarily to bring you some news!      First, while we still have Kilroy Was Here! Month still on the brain, we are sad to say that we are going to have to cancel Saturday's reveal of Leo Pickford, as his character design cannot be finished between now and then. We may be able to whip up some concept art, but the actual finalized figure will have to wait. We will still be revealing the new  Private Corporal Joe Kilroy and Private Carl Ryder that day, though.      In other news, it's official now: Mustache Maniacs Film Co.: The Visual Dictionary - 2nd Edition  is coming December 2015! In anticipation of this update of the first edition, here is a first look at the cover for the new edition. To see what was changed, the original cover is just below it for compari...

First Look at Baron Von Stuka IV and Troops!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 10, 2015)      As part of Kilroy Was Here! Month, we are not only looking to the past, but to the future as well! Let's see what we have in store.      In the upcoming animated film A Future in the Past , Ulysses S. Powell and the Time Cruisers chase future criminals Tony Twister and Professor Millennium back through time to stop them from disrupting the past. One time that they go back to is 1943 Sicily, where Private Joe Kilroy and his squad are part of the invasion force on the island against the Germans. While we don't have our wartime heroes ready just yet, we are pleased to reveal the German troops that will be in the movie!      The photo you see here is an asset for a future promotional image for the movie, but for now, check out the designs for these characters! From left to right, we have German Soldier #1, German Soldier #2, Baron Von Stuka IV (because the ...

Alms Pouch Has a Release Date and Other News!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 8, 2015)      With the weekend in full swing and with Kilroy Was Here! Month already steadily progressing, we have some great news to share! Here's what has happened here over the past week.      First, we are pleased to announce that Alms Pouch  has an official release date! This short animated film will be released on July 10, right in the middle of the summer season. It may not have much, but it is sure to please. And while you wait, here is the official theatrical poster for the film, released today as part of Poster Madness.      However, the one film we really want out this year may not be a summer film after all. Because of where it is at in production, Alpha Team: Mission Deep Jungle  will have to be a fall or holiday film. "The one thing we need to ensure is that this film is out by the end of 2015," said LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew. "This year is...

Photography from Kilroy Was Here!: A Visual Retrospective

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 7, 2015)      While this was a day late, we would like to continue Kilroy Was Here! Month with this special photo journal from the play! All of these photos, many of which have never been released online before, recount many of the events that occur in this period musical and were all taken by photographer Jim Freeman (you might remember him as the voice actor for Legoman). Now here, re-told in photos, is a summary of the play that was performed ten years ago.      At the beginning of the story, riveters Gladys, Valerie, and Melba find out about the U.S. ships that have been recently sunk by Nazi U-Boats. Spies are everywhere, but no one is quite sure who to trust. For the record, this photo is the only one here not taken by Jim Freeman.      At the local U.S.O. Club, air raid warden Mr. Wilcox clears the room so that government agents Elliot and Horace can talk to ...

Kilroy Was Here! Month is Here!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 1, 2015)      It's a new month, and while there is still a bit of a wait before The Quest for Canonization , Alms Pouch , and Alpha Team: Mission Deep Jungle  debut, we would like to spotlight May as Kilroy Was Here! Month. Because the Cornerstone Thespian Society version of this period musical turns ten years old on May 20, we thought that we could give the fans something to do in this downtime with a mini celebration! For this month, we have lots of treats to offer, with a full schedule listed below. May 4: Wiki Mondays article - Mr. Wilcox May 6: Photography from the Play: A Visual Retrospective May 10: Re-imagined Pvt. Joe Kilroy, Pvt. Carl Ryder, and Pvt. Leo Pickford unveiled May 11: Wiki Mondays article - U.S.O. Club May 15: Specialty Drink Recipe - Home-Front Victory Smoothie May 16: Baron Von Stuka IV, Fritz, and German Infantry unveiled May 18: Wiki Mondays article - Pvt. ...