The Poster for "When Barrels Fly" is Here!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; January 16, 2018)
     Hot off the press is a brand-new poster! This and some other news is in today's press release!

The New Theatrical Poster for "When Barrels Fly" is Here!
     When it was announced that our first six online films are being re-edited for modern audiences, we had also determined internally that all six films will receive new posters. This is especially the case for Johnny Thunder and the Secret of Marco Polo, as that film is being fully remade. Today, we want to share the first of those posters to you. It's for When Barrels Fly, which will be returning next Friday! If you weren't excited before, this poster will hype you up!
Most of the design cues come from the all-new time travel sequence in the film, though there are allusions to the original film here. For instance, the tagline remains the same and the THAC 8 logo rests in the upper right-hand corner. That aside, the film is getting brand-new Drawn to Life Animation branding, as well as updating to match current corporate-wide branding and quality standards. The film will be released next Friday.

New Naming Strategies to Attract Viewers.
     This may bore some of you, since this is more technical stuff to attract new fans, but we're looking for ways to entice viewers to watch our videos when they otherwise may be disinterested. While the videos themselves will not be changing (sans re-edited films), we are looking at changing some of the titles, or at least expanding them. What this means is that, for films that fit a certain genre or character, extra words will be appended to certain titles. We will be experimenting with some of our newer films and take a look at any viewership changes before we fully roll this out. Here are some of the title changes that you can expect later this month.
  • Clone --> Clone - BRAWL 2017 LEGO Short Film
  • New Year's Resolution --> New Year's Resolution - THAC XIV LEGO Short Film
  • Special Delivery --> Special Delivery - Picture Story Narrative
  • The Third Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards --> The Third Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards - LEGO Film

Keywords are not enough to get people to watch the videos, so we are hoping that this will solve that. As we still have plenty of custom thumbnails to implement, both will be carried out hand-in-hand. Our tests will begin later this month, with viewership results to be analyzed in February. The results of this experiment will be released in March. Also, because of this, Dramatic Readings is being renamed to Our Defunct Films, mainly for clarity.

Lead Out
     And that's it for today. Do you think our strategy will work? Do you like that When Barrels Fly is changing? Are you looking forward to the changes? Let us know in the comments below!


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