Casting Call Spotlight: "The Third Fan Choice Awards" Needs Your Talent!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; July 22, 2017)
     While we have less than a month before the official release for The Third Mustache Maniacs Film Co. on August 18, we still have 5 characters that need to be cast! Here is all of the information about the characters and where they may appear in the future.
Audition Line: Maybe. He disappeared around there some time ago.

Audition Line: Greatz tooz seez yooz, Robert.

Audition Line: And I am the best henchman that this species will ever know, Willie Pones. I am ever at your service.

 Audition Line: Hey!

Audition Line: I can't understand either of you!

Once you have your audition recordings completed, send them to We'll let you know which parts (if any) you received, and we'll continue from there. For more character auditions, visit our official auditions page by CLICKING HERE!
7/27/2017 Update: Daniel Bermudez is now leaving the part of Prof. Archibald Hale, which means that we are re-opening this part for auditions! We'll have more information available as it surfaces.


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