LIVE UPDATE: Last Day of Filming for "Mission Deep Jungle" and Other News!
By: Andrew Bermudez (LEGO Studios; March 26, 2016) Yes, it may sound weird, but Alpha Team: Mission Deep Jungle technically hasn't finished production yet, but today, with all things considered, that is about to change! "We're currently on the last set for the movie, as we may have mentioned before," said public relations head Sam Snead. "On top of that, we're at a point that, if we work for the entirety of today with only a few breaks, we should have production done by the end of the day." That means that the rest of the film will be coming soon! To keep track of today's progress, we're starting another live update, so check back regularly for updates from the set and more! (9:30 AM PDT) We're getting ready to film the rest of the film. Everyone's in place, the camera's ready to go, and the lights are all lit up. Lights, Camera, Action! (11:49 AM PDT) Union Break! The cast and crew is out to lunch, but before we resum...