All New Ask Mark Matthew!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(LEGO Studios; February 1, 2015)
     Today we bring you another 'Ask Mark Matthew,' containing 100% new material! Let's get started!

Richard Czajka writes: Of course, "I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse." So Godfather ish. Just saying, +Mustache Maniacs Film Co., don't let the Godfather corporation find out, because that is one of the biggest quotes in the Godfather. Also, what do mobs have to do with mafia?
Mark: If you're referring to mobs from Minecraft, then nothing at all. The mob is just another name for the mafia. This is why the main antagonist in The Kingfisher is named Mob Boss.

Richard Czajka writes: +Mustache Maniacs Film Co. so you are going to make more movies about THE KINGFISHER? If so, then HOORAY!
Mark: We actually do have some films lined up that will feature Folio Byrd in them, especially Legends of the Universe. However, considering the popularity of The Kingfisher, we might make a few more films starring this character in the future. Keep your eyes open!

TLFScarheart writes: Just gonna throw this out here as someone who's family is from England. You mentioned in the behind the scenes [of Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients] you meant for it to be sheppard's pie? That's not sheppard's pie. I'ts impossible to eat sheppard's pie with your hands.
Sorry but every time I watch that I get the urge to film myself making it to show what I mean :P
Mark: I know. We actually served Sheppard's pie at the premiere of Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients, and each one had to be served in a bowl. I guess the only reason that we had the characters hold the Sheppard's pie is so that the audience could see the character's face and that he was eating food while he was talking. But, oh well.

LegosbyBWC writes: Nice video. Want to trade subscriptions? Subscribe to me and I will subscribe to you.
Mark: Sure. Why not? We'll try to address this by the end of this week, but we won't be able to get to it right now, as we have lots of work that needs to be done here.

That's it for today's edition of Ask Mark Matthew! Don't forget that if you have a question, send it either as a private message to YouTube user Mustache Maniacs Film Co. or as a message on the "Contact Us" page on the Mustache Maniacs Film Co. website. Until then, we'll be making movies!
     But before you go, we have a question to ask YOU! If you love to cook, then take some time to answer a quick survey on the right side of this press room.


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