Studio Update: Mouth Animation Standardized, "Zoo Flight" on Rough Ground, Changes to the Wiki, and More.

By: Andrew Bermudez
(LEGO Studios; September 26, 2013)
     As September comes to a close and Halloween fast approaching, it's once again time to look at how current projects are shaping up.
     With the release of our entry to Minilife TV's animation contest, titled Sam 'n Bob Brawl: The Second Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards Commercial, a new element has been introduced to our films that will become main-stay from now on: complete mouth animation! "Yes, we may have had mouth animation in some of our previous films, such as An Afternoon at the Zoo," said Steve Brocko, head of Drawn to Life Animation, "But now, all of our films are required to feature mouth animation. It's just one more step being made to make 'Ten Years of Going Crazy!' work." An exception is being made to this rule for any re-releases.
     Speaking of animation, the animated game Zoo Flight is starting to ride on rough ground. "The project is running into trouble again," said Steve Brocko. "We've abandoned the idea of using YouTube videos, like we did for The Lost Ruby and Shady Acres Super Sleuth, but that means that now the game will use programming. Mark Matthew has already told us that if we can't get it done by next summer, he's pulling the plug. It'll be tough, but we'll hopefully make it." Zoo Flight, if completed, is scheduled to be released August 2014.
     Also, if you've been following our Wiki, then you'll see that we've been adding new villain pages to the site in anticipation for Halloween. Another change that is coming this weekend is a new formatting for the film pages. Starting this weekend, All current and future film pages will receive the following alterations:
  • Film Details: This section functions the same way as the Character Details and Location Details on those respective pages. The section will feature a series of bullet points, indicating any stats for the film, including release year, director, and more.
  • Mistakes: This section will reveal any mistakes, such as plot holes, continuity errors, and more, that appear in that respective film, if any.
     Finally, A Bite of MyJobs is nearing the end of its development, but some work still needs to be done. All of the animation has been tweaked to correct any issues, but the new dialogue still needs to be recorded. Despite this, all is clear and ready to go for its October 18th debut. Don't forget to vote in The Second Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards! Hurry! You have until October 31st, 2013 to do so!


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