Historylegoman Name for our YouTube Channel has been Discontinued! Also, Filming Updates, etc.

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; August 15, 2013)
     In another step to prepare for next year's major event, "Ten Years of Going Crazy!," the name that we have used on our channel, historylegoman, was officially removed today. "The name historylegoman does not relate in any real way to our films and our brand," said Mustache Maniacs Film Co. CEO Andrew Bermudez. "We have also been taking measures to unify our brand. Our website, Facebook page, Press Room, and more all have the appropriate labeling, but the label of historylegoman was very detached from the rest of our network." On YouTube, the new name for our channel is Mustache Maniacs Film Co., the name used in the rest of our network (excluding the Vacation: Unlimited Travel Journal). However, if you have any links using the old name, do not worry; they will still work. Along with this name change for the channel, the channel also received its own Google+ page, which will be tweaked over the coming days.
     Meanwhile in Australia, filming has picked up speed for Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients. "We are very glad that filming has picked up speed," said director Steven Lawrence. "In the last few months, filming had really slowed down, with little hope we would get it done on time. However, now that we are working at breakneck speed, we are certain that we will make the December 2013 deadline." To help the film meet its final release deadline, July 2014, editing has now started. "It may seem a little early, considering that the film doesn't come out for another 11 months," said LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew. "However, as mentioned in an answer to a question by HollywoodLego, this is going to the most special effects-laden film in the Johnny Thunder Trilogy, perhaps in all of Mustache Maniacs Film Co. history. We don't want the effects to look rushed and bad, so we need to spend time to make sure that they look as good as possible. And, considering that this film is going to be longer than Johnny Thunder and the Secret of Marco Polo, that's going to take some time." While we would like to share some photos from the set, the current closed set policy prohibits us from doing that until a later time. Instead, enjoy this humorous concept art for Koala Express, a fictional restaurant chain created for the movie.
Concept art by Andrew Bermudez
     In other news, the long-delayed animation A Bite of MyJobs will finally be released on a new release date: October 18, 2013. "However," said director Andrew Bermudez, "we will be releasing a different version from the one that will be released by College of the Canyons CWEE department. Because we did not complete some of the animation on time, some of that will vary, along with the voice acting." Regardless, it is expected to be delivered on time.
     Finally, work progresses on other projects, building up to "Ten Years of Going Crazy!" Be sure to vote for your favorites for The Second Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards today!


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