Christmas Tales of the Adventurers and a Letter from the FDNY!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Crazyhouse Comics Studio; December 17, 2010)
     Christmas is almost here, and that means more Tales of the Adventurers! This time, Johnny, Pippin, Sarah and Dr. Kilroy are on an expedition in the arctic. Who knows what they'll find...

     Also, during the week, the studio received a letter from none other than the FDNY (no joke)! In the letter, a copy of the Ken Burns-style documentary Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire was requested in DVD form for the department's training program. "It is quite the honor to have one of our films used by one of the most distinguished fire departments," said Daniel Bermudez, the creator of the film. The disc was sent out today, with a hopeful response by the end of the month.
     In addition, the 24-hour animation contest film will be written, filmed, edited, and released tomorrow. "However," said Simon Johnathon, the director picked for the film, "The film will not debut publicly until AFTER the twenty-four hours are over. According to the rules, the film MUST be unlisted for the specified time frame." Once the time frame is over, a link to the film will appear in this press room.
     Speaking of release dates, it's time for our usual release date round-up. The First Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards will air January 21st, 2011, Forest of Fear has crept back again - this time into October 2011, and Johnny Thunder 3 will come Summer 2012.


  1. You comics are deffinantly turning out for the better! My only advice would be to make the image a bit bigger. I'ts hard to read what they're saying.

    Happy holidays.



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