Patrick's Adventures Comic Strip Has Been Canceled!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Lego Studios; September 21, 2009)
     Recently, the studio's schedule has gone haywire. So much time has been spent running errands and compiling paperwork, the studio has little time left to do anything else. Also, the studio has been working up another script for a potential horror movie. There just hasn't been enough time lately to do anything else.
     Therefore, last night, the unanimous decision was made to cancel the proposed 'Patrick's Adventures' Comic Series. "I know many of the fans will be disappointed, but we just don't have the time right now," stated Mark Matthew, head of the board of directors. "I know it was meant to fill in the blank between the two Johnny Thunder movies, but there is no need to worry, because Lord Sinister fills in that blank in Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile.
     During the press conference, resident writer Peter Samuel also added that the proposed short commercials have also been canceled. "Once again, we don't have the time," said Peter Samuel. "I guess this time of the year was bad for us. With everything that's going on we can't seem to get any new projects done. As of now, we can only squeeze in enough time to work on our holiday movies, scheduled for release in October - December 2010."
     Despite this, Mark Matthew had some good news. "This Christmas, TBC, our local TV channel, has agreed to feature a sneak peek of Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile during their annual Christmas special this year. Not only will this help with promoting the movie, but it will give the excited fans an insight into the movie."
     The TBC News Christmas Special, with the Johnny Thunder 2 sneak peek will debut Christmas 2009, while Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile will be released July 2010.


  1. It sounds to me like you have what I call bigger-than-brain imagination syndrom. This means you come up with so many ideas that in the end you end up canceling most of them which upsets fans, and isn't exactly good for your own ego.

    Prioritizing is the best way to avoid this. Make a list ofyou'reabsolute top priorities and only mentionthem on the blog. If one of you're lesser prgects do come through, think of it as an extra suprise for you're fans. You don't have to let them know it's coming to make them like it.

    best of luck. Looking forward to the halloween special.



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