Updates for "On The Theme Park Loop" and Our New Shop!
By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; April 27, 2021) With May just about upon us, we have some important updates that we need to share, so let's get started! 5/20/2021 UPDATE The releases of On The Theme Park Loop and the new website update, as well as the merchandise event, have been pushed off to May 28 for quality assurance. Due to on-going contractual agreements, this date will not be pushed back further. On The Theme Park Loop is Now Debuting May 21, 2021! While we didn't want to put off this release any further than we already have, we have decided to push off the release of On The Theme Park Loop to May 21, 2021. While this may disappoint some of you, we want to let you know that we are doing this in the best interest of the show. With this change, we are also pushing back the date that this show will be petitioned to join the Theme Park Tube community to the same date. However, this ...