"Patrick: The Movie" Finishes Principal Photography!

 (By: Andrew Bermudez)

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; December 9, 2020)

    It's been a tough Summer and Fall in completing production for Patrick: The Movie, but after several months, the film has now concluded principal photography! Read on to see how things are going for the film.

Patrick: The Movie Finishes Shooting!

    Since we started production on this highly-anticipated origin story back in May, we have run into several uncertainties along the way that jeopardized production, such as a massive software malfunction, construction issues with Sobek-Ra, and a wildfire that almost burned down the studio, but now here we are, about six months later with the film finally in the can! "I cannot say enough how excited I've been for this day," said director Barry Hollows. "The studio essentially gave me free reign to make the film the way I wanted to, under the condition that some of the sets were recycled from - or for - other films. I must say that I am extremely happy with how the film is turning out, and while the film still needs work at the editing stage, I am glad that we aren't using any CGI. Without a shadow of a doubt, this film is shaping up to be the best origin story movie ever made!" The film will be released on Christmas Day, in order to send off this tough year. However, that's not the only thing coming your way that day.

DINO ATTACK: Saga of a Conflict Concludes on December 25, 2020!

    Along with the release of Patrick: The Movie, we're going to finally conclude DINO ATTACK: Saga of a Conflict on Christmas Day, as part of a year-end update to our website! The last two pages of the comic series will finish introducing audiences not familiar with DINO ATTACK RPG to the premise of the story, as well as where to begin reading the RPG for themselves! The move is bittersweet, though, in that with the release of these two comics, Crazyhouse Comics will then only be a week away from closing up shop.

No One is Still Cast as Helga Hunt!

    Now onto the bad, and desperate, news - we still don't have an actress attached to the role of Helga Hunt! "We aren't panicking," said director Barry Hollows, "but considering why this role was never actually cast [see image for visual explanation], we are going to need to be proactive in assigning an actress to the role. This is literally the only character in the film [Patrick: The Movie] that needs to be cast, so getting someone to play the role in a timely manner shouldn't be a big issue, at least. My only concern is that this could stall editing, which can't happen at this point. We're just over two weeks from showtime, so we're going to need all of the time that we can get." It is expected that this role will be filled by this weekend.

Film Crews Go On Christmas Break!

    With Patrick: The Movie wrapped up and Christmas being near, all film crews and actors are now going on Christmas Break, with a few stipulations in place, per health and safety guidelines. Firstly, just like Pharaoh's Quest: The Curse of Amset-Ra, Patrick: The Movie will not have an in-person premiere. Instead, the cast and crew are encouraged to stay at home and watch the film via a virtual premiere, along with eager fans who will be seeing the film for the first time. Secondly, when cast and crews return to work in January, they will need to be screened for their health before beginning work on their assigned productions. When work resumes in January, here is what will be filming.

  • THAC XVIII Entry
  • Johnny Thunder and the Wonders Beneath the Waves
  • A Future in the Past
  • Alpha Team: Mission Deep City
  • Johnny Thunder and the Secret of Marco Polo: The Adventure Retold
In addition, preparation for the new animation being created for Alms Pouch: Finished At Last! will begin at this time, along with website updates to allow more people to join our team and early work for currently-unannounced projects. The studio is still staffed by essential employees, however, who will keep the studio maintained during this break.

Lead Out

    We'll bring you another update as we near Christmas Day, with our annual yearly recap coming a few days after Christmas. Get ready for one last surprise this year!


  1. I can hardly wait for Dino Attack: Saga of a Conflict's final pages - what a lovely Christmas present! It'll also be well-timed with the release of the Dino Attack RPG Director's Cut version 1.0 later this month.


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