
Showing posts from September, 2014

Studio Update: Project U Begins Filming and Decide the Next Archive Collections!

By: Andrew Bermudez (LEGO Studios; September 23, 2014)      Just two days ago, filming for the massive, multi-year project Project U officially began with the opening scenes for Attack of the Fifty-Foot Hamster . While the giant hamster puppet is nearing completion, the scenes that do not require it will be completed first. However, as all of the films will be filmed simultaneously, that means that filming for Alpha Team: Mission Deep Jungle will begin shortly. We are also expecting the production gallery for Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients  to be released in October, with the contest prizes shipping out soon after.      In other news, the next Archive Collections has not yet been decided on, so we're turning to the fans to see what they would like to see next. Some possibilities will be put up to vote, with the actual Archive Collections post coming in October. The ideas are: Where Johnny Thunder Almost Went (Locations deleted...

Studio Update: Delays, Announcements, and Other Info

By: Andrew Bermudez (LEGO Studios; September 6, 2014)      With a busy weekend and fall season ahead, we're pleased to give you another studio update, filled with important news! Let's get started!      First, LEGO Island: The Animated Series , which was supposed to debut today, was officially delayed until January 2015. "We are just as excited about this series as the fans are," said LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew, "but the month of August was consumed by post-production work for Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients . However, we are going to get more characters, backgrounds, and stories ready for the first few episodes this fall and winter." The series' new air date is January 10, 2015.      In addition to this, The Central Florida Experience  is still lagging behind. Yet, there is confidence in getting it done on time, as guest writers are going to be brought on-board to complete it. It should be done by the end of th...

All New Ask Mark Matthew!

By: Andrew Bermudez (LEGO Studios; September 1, 2014)      Today we bring you another 'Ask Mark Matthew,' containing 100% new material! Let's get started! Garrett LeSueur writes:   I'm really looking forward to your new Johnny Thunder movie this August! And I definitely can't wait to see Patrick's idiocy get the better of Lord Sam Sinister. And I also have an idea for another movie you could possibly make. Would you like me to tell you what it is? Mark: Sure thing! You should probably send it as a private message, though. All of us at Mustache Maniacs Film Co. uphold a policy of strict secrecy, so that any ideas are not copied by others pre-maturely. TLFScarheart writes: How do you turn on the closed captions sorry but no matter how high I turn it up I can't understand what Johnny's father says when he dies. Mark: Right next to the gear in the lower right-hand corner of the player, there is a little box with the letters "CC" ...