"Late for the Soccer Match" Debuts, Kicking in the Start of a New Era
By: Andrew Bermudez (LEGO Studios; October 19, 2012) Poster for "Late for the Soccer Match" by Andrew Bermudez This morning, the long-awaited entry to the contest "Kitchen Sink," Late for the Soccer Match , was released, marking the beginning of a new era at Mustache Maniacs Film Co. "This is our first film to initially be released in 3-D," stated LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew. "From now on, all of our upcoming films will have the option to watch them in 3-D. Just remember that you'll need red/cyan 3-D glasses to watch any of our films in 3-D." Of course, 3-D will only be available on the actual feature films and any games. After all, why would you want to see a behind the scenes reel in 3-D? That may sound cool, but the extra effort seems wasted. Back to the film, be sure to watch it today! How will you get there? That's for you to decide. In the meantime, filming for Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients h...