A Whole Extra Day for Announcements!
By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; February 29, 2012) Happy Leap Day, everyone! This is an occasion that only comes around every four years, so be sure to celebrate! In fact, this leap day is the first one since the Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Press Room went online, so it was only fitting that we have a big announcement session today! Let's get started! After the success of Project Proofread, the on-going project to spell check all of the previous press releases, the studio has now decided to extend the project so that now it will encompass all of the video descriptions as well! Along with this spell check, all of the video descriptions will also get the links that the latest videos have gotten. This project to correct the press releases and video descriptions will continue until June 2012. Another new thing coming this Summer is a reboot of the canceled The Adventures of Legoman Comic Book! The rebooted ...