
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Year in Review: 2011

By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; December 27, 2011)      The studio's busiest year yet is about to come to a close. In fact, we released more films this year than we have in any other preceding year with 8 films, among other things. Let's take a look back and see what was done. January      The first month of the year kicked off with The First Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards . At the ceremony, Johnny Thunder and the Secret of Marco Polo took home five of the eight awards that night. "It's so great to see that, three years after its release, the film is still recognized and highly revered by our fans," said director Steven Lawrence. A work-in-progress was also announced, called Making Tracks . Originally, it was supposed to be an entry into Tales of Yore, but because of a gridlock, the project was put on indefinite hold. The popular comic series, Tales of the Adventurers , also started the brand-new story, Tale of Pirate Gol...

Merry Christmas!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; December 23, 2011)      As a Christmas present to all of our fans this holiday season, The Lost Ruby: An Interactive Adventure is now available to play and the next Tales of the Adventurers comic, the last for this year, is available to read. There have been many other happenings at the studio recently, but due to the holiday season, this must be kept brief, as it is just about time for everyone at the studio to head home for the holidays. These happenings will be recounted in next week's "The Year in Review" press release.

Two Brand New Films debut!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; December 9, 2011)      All is merry and bright this Holiday season, and today two brand new films, A Battle to Remember and Seeing Eye Robber , were released for your entertainment. You can check them both out on our re-imagined YouTube channel by clicking on the "Videos" tab. During their screenings over the past week, both films were well received by their audiences. "We are confident that they will be big hits now that both films have been released publicly," said Lego Studios CEO Mark Matthew.      However, Mark Matthew and head of the traditional animation department, Steve Brocko, had some bad news. " Gone Ice Fishin' has been delayed into next year," lamented Mark Matthew. Steve then noted, "We did have plans to release it today, but the light bulbs in our light desks burned out, and we're currently working to replace them." This left some reporters in shock. "You still use light des...

All New Ask Mark Matthew!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; December 2, 2011)      Today, we bring you another 'Ask Mark Matthew,' containing 100% new material! Let's get started! Movieguider73 writes : Will the army and Dan Brown be back for the third Johnny Thunder? Mark : They will be back for Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients , but they will only have cameo roles. In other words, they will have short scenes in the movie that will allow the film to tie better to the first two films. However, their cameo scenes have been written so that their short appearances are vital to the script, rather than thrown in for extra flavor. They are, however, not the only characters making cameos. The other cameo-making characters are: Block Sauniere (In a flashback) Jerry Digalot Hiram Aziz Babloo Jing Lee There may be some other characters making cameos, but I won't reveal who those are, because it may, in a sense, spoil parts of the movie. Until then, be sure to keep upd...