Lego Studios Receives Letter from Reporter
By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; July 21, 2010) Typically, the studio does not report this kind of stuff, since they get plenty of fan mail every day (there was especially an influx of hate mail when Worcester was mispronounced in Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire ). However, there was one letter that struck Mark Matthew as very interesting, since it was from the same reporter who said that the ending of Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile was an obvious set up for another sequel. This is what the letter said: To the Lego Studios Board of Directors, As you may know, I was the reporter from ABS Daily that attended the world premiere of Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile last Friday. As you may know, I called the ending an obvious set up for a potential Johnny Thunder 3 , which was confirmed later that day. Even though it seems like the Johnny Thunder franchise will not be ending anytime ...