Patrick's Adventures Comic Strip Has Been Canceled!
By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; September 21, 2009) Recently, the studio's schedule has gone haywire. So much time has been spent running errands and compiling paperwork, the studio has little time left to do anything else. Also, the studio has been working up another script for a potential horror movie. There just hasn't been enough time lately to do anything else. Therefore, last night, the unanimous decision was made to cancel the proposed 'Patrick's Adventures' Comic Series. "I know many of the fans will be disappointed, but we just don't have the time right now," stated Mark Matthew, head of the board of directors. "I know it was meant to fill in the blank between the two Johnny Thunder movies, but there is no need to worry, because Lord Sinister fills in that blank in Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile . During the press conference, resident writer Peter Samuel also added that the proposed ...