The Year in Review: 2016
By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; December 31, 2016) 2016 has been a very interesting year for us. While we didn't release as many films this year as we had hoped, we still accomplished a lot in not only preparing for 2017, but for the rest of Project U as well. Keep reading through the rest of today's review, though, because at the end, we have some very important announcements to share! Now let's begin our re-cap! January: As always, January started off the year on a strong note, with the release of Rift , a film that introduces the character of Dr. Wallace Bishop. While it didn't get into the top ten entries for THAC XIII, it was still highly revered by those who viewed it. January also saw the release of part 2 of Alpha Team: Mission Deep Jungle and the cancellation of the comics Out of His Time . February: People got sick, and filming for our projects fell behind schedule. ...