
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Year in Review: 2016

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; December 31, 2016)      2016 has been a very interesting year for us. While we didn't release as many films this year as we had hoped, we still accomplished a lot in not only preparing for 2017, but for the rest of Project U as well. Keep reading through the rest of today's review, though, because at the end, we have some very important announcements to share! Now let's begin our re-cap!       January:  As always, January started off the year on a strong note, with the release of Rift , a film that introduces the character of Dr. Wallace Bishop. While it didn't get into the top ten entries for THAC XIII, it was still highly revered by those who viewed it. January also saw the release of part 2 of Alpha Team: Mission Deep Jungle and the cancellation of the comics Out of His Time .       February:  People got sick, and filming for our projects fell behind schedule. ...

Exploring our Network has Never Been Easier!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; December 26, 2016)      As a slightly-belated Christmas present, we have two things: first, navigation for our network has been moved to the top of this press room, so that you can find it easily. All areas of our network can be explored from this series of buttons, including the newly-rebooted Andrew Bermudez Art!      Speaking of art, we have another surprise for you: a roughed-out page for Dino Attack: Saga of a Conflict ! Take a look for yourself at this character grid of many of the comic's major players. If you don't know who's who (and can't read the lightly-sketched labeling in each square), there's a rundown of all of the characters beneath the image. From top to bottom, left to right: Digger, Shadow, Viper, Specs, Rex, Amanda Claw, Graybeard, Andrew (the main narrator), Frozeen, Zachary Virchaus, Minerva Fabello, Hotwire, Dust, Dr. Cyborg, Fullmetal, and Zelda Frodongan. ...

Andrew Bermudez Art Reboot is Here!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; December 10, 2016)      Here's an early Christmas present for all of you: the promised reboot of Andrew Bermudez Art has arrived as "The Art of Andrew Bermudez!" Now that's it's here, click here to check it out!      Bear in mind that there is still work to do, but it'll be updated over the rest of the month. Keep checking back, though, because starting tomorrow, every day will see the addition of a new artwork post! That's all that we have for today in this quick update, but head over to take a look today!

Holiday Website Update Brings Reboot of Andrew Bermudez Art!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; December 8, 2016)      During the current holiday season, we'll be conducting a massive website update that will not only make navigating the network easier, but will also revive Andrew Bermudez Art!      If you are not familiar, Andrew Bermudez Art is the living portfolio of Andrew Bermudez's art. however, the Wordpress-based blog has long since had an error that has restricted us from updating it. Now, after a year of not working properly, Andrew Bermudez Art will be rebooted as a Blogspot blog! Blogspot hosts the press room that you are reading right now, as well as the Vacation: Unlimited travel journal, so we are very familiar with its operations. Because of this move, there are several changes that we will make to our website: The original Andrew Bermudez Art will sunset on January 30, 2017. Links to the original site will be removed by January 1, 2017. Instead of being buttons a...

THAC XIV Entry Coming January 8, 2017!

By: Andrew Bermudez (Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; December 5, 2016)      As the merriest time of year continues, we have some great news to quickly share with all of you: THAC XIV is going to take place on January 7, 2017! Therefore, our next film will be released on January 8, 2017! Like we mentioned before, it will introduce one of our upcoming characters from Project U, even though this THAC XIV entry will not be part of Project U. While we won't know anything until the time arrives, here are some possible characters that we could focus on. Zac Fernstein: Romantically-rejected young adult who joins the U.S. Marine Corps. He will appear in B.I.O. Corps . Baron Von Stuka IV: The son of Shaved Schmidt Von Stuka who becomes a Nazi commander. He will appear in A Future in the Past . Russell Spectre: Host of the TV show Ghost Files, U.S.A.  He will appear in Van Helbrick: Monster Fighter . Willie Pones: Egotistical criminal who can't stop talking ...