"From the Vaults" to Debut a Never-Before-Seen Film, and More!
By: Andrew Bermudez (LEGO Studios; January 22, 2013) With work continuing on Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients , New Friends ~ An Environmental Fable , and Zoo Flight , the next "From the Vaults" re-release was unveiled in a recent teaser for The Film School Challenge . While Seth Masterson was looking for the old LEGO Studios movies, he uncovered something else that caught his eye: footage from the never-released animated film, Remember the Alamo . With plans to clean it up with the Adobe Creative Suite, he expects to have the film finished for release sometime in the spring. "The film tells the story of the Battle of the Alamo," said Seth Masterson. "While it is very crude, I plan to make it look as professional as possible." However, what is interesting here is that it will be a "From the Vaults" release, even though it has never been released until now. "It was a tough sell at the time," said Thomas Broc...