Studio Updates: Two New Short Films Coming Soon and More.
By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; September 27, 2010) Halloween is just a month away, and with that, comes another studio update. To start, two new films have been announced. The first will be a mini commercial for the fan choice awards. "We are very surprised how few people are voting for the awards. Therefore, we decided that a commercial to encourage people to vote is important," said Mark Matthew, head of the Lego Studios Board of Directors and Lego Studios CEO. Also, an educational science film will be made. The film, primarily an assignment for school, will use storytelling and humor to teach an undecided aspect of physical science. Both will be released by the end of the year. In the meantime, the 8th draft of Forest of Fear was sent off to hopeful director Barry Hollows for final approval. This is his response: Dear Mark Matthew, I congratulate you on gathering the necessary will power to g...