Studio Update: Welcome to "Back to the Beginning!"

By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; November 3, 2024)

    Before the founding of the Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Online Network, a mass of shorter films was released on DVD, mainly to a private audience. While many of these films are available online, both through the likes of From the Vaults and Twenty Years Young, we wanted to push towards the end of the celebration by highlighting some of these earlier films. Yes, some of them did get monthly themes already, but we're taking a look at all of the rest!

Back to the Beginning: What to Expect for November

    November is not going to be a month to release any new content, mainly due to the scheduling complications recently, but this month's theme does highlight the many releases that will be happening! Here's what you can expect to see in November.

  • On November 8, PeabodySam will be releasing a sneak preview of Tales Across the World: A Short Story Collection on his DeviantArt account. A link to the sneak preview will be featured here and on the website when it's released.
  • On November 11, as a fitting tribute to Veteran's Day (we think), Kilroy Was Here!: The Lost Footage will be released. This is the last special edition to be released in 2024.
  • On November 15, all missing music from the Music Channel will be added, including music previously exclusive to albums.
  • On November 22, three additional titles for Original Cuts will be released. These titles are Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Leopard's Treasure, Indiana Jones and the Treasure of Tikal, and Indiana Jones and the Heart of the Dragon. No more titles will be added to Original Cuts after this.
  • On November 28, both the storyboard comparison and production gallery for Speeder will be released.

Again, some of these releases may change, so keep an eye out here for any additional news.

The Race to the End of Twenty Years Young: Production for Two Films Goes into High Gear!

    While November isn't going to be used to release any new films, December will finish off the year with TWO new films! Andrew Bermudez is spearheading The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards, and Eli Hutchinson is directing our potential return to live action, The Archivist! Both films will be released back-to-back right before Christmas, which will also signal in a private Twenty Years Young party, which will be shared here after the fact. The conclusion of this party will officially signal the end of Twenty Years Young, with all celebration decorations beginning to disappear from the website right after Christmas Day.

Stay Connected for More!

    If you want to continue to explore our network of content, be sure to like us on Facebookwatch us on YouTubevisit us at our website, and buy from us at our store! And of course, check back often throughout the year to see everything that's new!


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