Studio Update: New Art for "Howling Hollow," The Remainder of 2024 Scaled Back, And More!

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; October 25, 2024)

    A lot has been happening over the last several months, and while we still want to finish off this celebration on a high note, we still want to address how we're approaching this. All of this news and more is below!

Twenty Years Young is Scaling Back for the Holiday Season!

    With the number of upcoming projects stacking up, we've made a decision to focus on quality over quantity to finish off the year. Because of this, every upcoming project outside of The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards and The Archivist has been delayed to 2025 and beyond. The affected titles that were originally scheduled for release this year are:

  • A Taste of Howling Hollow: The Forest of Fear
  • Cooking with Flex: Recipes from Around Mustache Maniacs Film Co.'s Cinematic Universe
  • A Future in the Past
  • Tales Across the World: A Short Story Collection
  • Alms Pouch: Finished At Last!
  • Van Helbrick and the Monster Fighters
  • Johnny Thunder and the Rise to Fame
  • Greed and Grit
  • William's Bell Overture: The Symphony of the Realities
  • TeePublic Shirt Designs

In addition, while not confirmed, A Taste of Howling Hollow: The Forest of Fear will most likely get cancelled, since this change in schedule means that this mini book now serves no purpose. All releases that are set to debut after the conclusion of Twenty Years Young will now no longer have a long-term release date until a few months before any project is confirmed to be finished.

In Spite of Delays, Twenty Years Young Will End Strong!

    Now, we will admit that Twenty Years Young did not end up being as big as we had originally anticipated. However, we still view this as being a massive celebration that has been widely successful and has really brought our history to the forefront, especially when most of our films going forward are going to be charting their own paths. With that said, this celebration is still not over, but since there's a bit of work needed to cap it off, we have a plan to finish it off on a high note! Here's the finale schedule.

  • Streaming releases for exclusive music albums are going to be released on November 15. Sales will resume in 2025.
  • The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards is going to be released on December 20.
  • The Archivist is going to be released on December 22.
  • A private screening event to celebrate Twenty Years Young will occur on December 22 in the evening. This will officially mark the end of Twenty Years Young.
  • The new, improved post-anniversary logo will debut in January as a part of THAC 2025.

We are going to aim to hold to this schedule once and for all, so stay tuned for these new releases! Speaking of which...

New Concept Art has been Released for Howling Hollow: The Forest of Fear!

    This special project is still continuing, and this week, a new piece of concept art debuted! It's a key visual for Torgo's Terror Tours, so that the readers can get a glimpse into what this attraction would hypothetically look like. As you can see here, it depicts the ride vehicle being ambushed by Slenderman, the ride's (and the land as a whole) antagonist. Touches give Slenderman a sense of power and demonstrate the danger that the guests are in, in order to better tell the story. If you want to read through this special project yourself, JUST CLICK HERE!

Original Cuts Will Introduce Three More Titles on November 22!

    Finally, in order to help diversify the ending of Twenty Years Young, we're adding three more titles for Original Cuts to the mix. They were still being considered back in April when Original Cuts first debuted, but with the shift in schedule, they're being added to help bolster November's line-up. The three additional titles are:

  • Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Leopard's Treasure
  • Indiana Jones and the Treasure of Tikal
  • Indiana Jones and the Heart of the Dragon

This will officially mark the end of releases for Original Cuts, and while they will stay online, we will evaluate their performance on YouTube to decide whether to keep them public on YouTube or make them accessible through the website only. Questions about confusion have arisen (since this means that two versions of some of our films are now online), so we will make a final decision in 2025. Until then, these original cuts will remain publicly available on YouTube.

Stay Connected for More!

    If you want to continue to explore our network of content, be sure to like us on Facebookwatch us on YouTubevisit us at our website, and buy from us at our store! And of course, check back often throughout the year to see everything that's new!


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