"True Love's Course" Has Been Released!

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; June 30, 2024)

    BRAWL 2024 has come to an end, so now our entry, True Love's Course, has arrived! Let's dive in and find out more about our first-ever romance film, as well as about the ever-shifting schedule for Twenty Years Young!

True Love's Course Has Been Released!

    Developed in just under a week for BRAWL 2024 (though the concept dates back to the pre-formation era in 2003 under the title Love & Kisses), the film True Love's Course has been released! The film follows Brent Milger, a college-aged guy who is trying to attract the attention of a young woman. However, in order to get to really know her, he's going to have to see the world through her eyes. The film has been embedded here for your viewing pleasure!

    Also, if you've been lingering around the press room last week, you may have seen our live updates regarding this film's production. It was a messy one, to be honest, but we pulled through to make the best film that we could in the parameters provided. When the results are announced next month, we will post them here on this press room. Speaking of those live updates, though...

The Future for Live Updates: There is None!

    Personally, managing the live updates took away from the development process, which is why last week's live update was so sporadically updated. Because of this, we've decided to permanently retire live updates for all upcoming projects. Naturally, the existing live updates aren't going anywhere, but we won't be diverting our resources to any more in the future.

The Half-Way Point for Twenty Years Young: Where We're At

    This film also marks an important milestone for the Twenty Years Young celebration: we're half-way through the celebration! Schedules have slipped lately, but so far, we've kept to our promise of at least one legitimately new release each month, with re-released content filling out the time in between. Now granted, February is the exception to this rule, but that month was never planned to have any new releases from the start. With that said, some of the releases that have been delayed have started to back-load the celebration's calendar. We have worked out a solution, however.

The Remainder of the Celebration: The Updated Schedule

    Since schedules have shuffled and projects have been delayed, we have worked out a new schedule for the rest of the celebration's new releases (so not including the re-releases). Please bear in mind that this schedule is still tentative and is subject to change without notice.

  • Galactic Convoy - July 26, 2024
  • Alms Pouch: Finished At Last! - August 16, 2024
  • Sackie's Mishap (And Other Tales) - September 6, 2024
  • Ten Years of Going Crazy! - The Celebration Soundtrack - September 6, 2024
  • Greed and Grit - September 14, 2024
  • The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards - September 20, 2024
  • Mustache Maniacs Film Co.: The Visual Dictionary - 3rd Edition - September 23, 2024
  • Johnny Thunder and the Rise to Fame - September 27, 2024
  • Cooking With Flex: Recipes from Around Mustache Maniacs Film Co.'s Cinematic Universe - October 6, 2024
  • A Future in the Past - October 25, 2024
  • Tales Across the World: A Short Story Collection - November 8, 2024
  • The Archivist - December 20, 2024
  • Van Helbrick and the Monster Fighters - 2025 or Later

We are aware that September, formerly the quietest month scheduled, has A LOT going on now. Again, this schedule is tentative, so this will most likely change. If any more changes occur to this schedule, we will inform you here. Check back tomorrow for our next month theme and a glance at what's in store for July!

Stay Connected for More!

    If you want to continue to explore our network of content, be sure to like us on Facebookwatch us on YouTubevisit us at our website, and buy from us at our store! And of course, check back often throughout the year to see everything that's new!


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