Studio Update: Welcome to Travels Out of Time!

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; June 1, 2024)

    Can you believe that we're already halfway through the year and this celebration? The time just seems to fly by these days, so we're going to spend this month celebrating a film that's due to be released later this year and is all about time, A Future in the Past!

Travels Out of Time: What to Expect in June

    While A Future in the Past is set to be released later this year, we're diving into a full month of Time Cruisers and Ulysses S. Powell! Here's what we plan on releasing in the month of June:

  • Behind the scenes material that's all about Gone Ice Fishin' will debut on June 1.
  • On June 3, a storyboard comparison and art gallery for An Afternoon at the Zoo will debut.
  • Just ten days later on June 13, Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Leopard's Treasure will be released alongside its deleted scenes and outtakes reel.
  • On June 14, Night Guard's art gallery will be released.
  • On that same day, an all-new space-faring adventure titled Galactic Convoy will debut for's Universe and Beyond competition.
  • On June 28, The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards is expected to finally debut.
  • On June 30, Mustache Maniacs Film Co.: The Visual Dictionary - 3rd Edition will be released.
  • In anticipation of Tales Across The World: A Short Story Collection, the book's cover art will be revealed, with a behind the scenes look at how the LEGO Klick Magazine comic Time Buster influenced the cover design.
  • After its debut at the fan choice awards, the first full trailer for A Future in the Past will be posted as a standalone video on June 29.
  • A crash course about Ulysses S. Powell will be posted here on this press room, including the character's full history.

The Return of Mustache Maniacs-opoly Has Been Cancelled!

    Yes, we've tried to avoid cancellations recently, but in spite of our efforts to make it work, the re-release of Mustache Maniacs-opoly has officially been scrapped. However, this has nothing to do with slipping schedules, shifting priorities, or fan response. Rather, this is simply because there is no way to actually make the game work online in a timely manner that could then be retained in the long term. In fact, making your own version of Monopoly with what is available is essentially just ordering a custom made-to-order board game and having it shipped to your house. We realize that we should have looked into this long before any announcements were made, but this game will only remain as a physical game. We will, however, look into selling physical copies of this board game in our collectibles store on Ebay later this year.

Schedules are Slipping! Upcoming Release Dates for July and Beyond Rescinded Until Further Notice!

    Because of the changed release schedule for June (such as the continued delay of The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards), we have decided to rescind all of the currently scheduled release dates for July and beyond until each month arrives. While this does put some of the releases for Twenty Years Young into question, this decision will give us the flexibility that we need to maintain quality control without plaguing ourselves with strings of cancellations further down the line. For the remainder of this year, we will only announce a release date at the beginning of each month if we are absolutely certain that the release will happen on that date. Following the conclusion of Twenty Years Young, release dates will only be announced when hitting those dates is absolutely certain.

In Spite of Evaluation of The Holy Land Paragon, Affected Titles will Not be Changed!

    In case you weren't aware, we're currently looking at the possible directions that we could take The Holy Land Paragon, with the final decision being made later this summer. While we are not taking these talks lightly, we are aware that the three upcoming books, namely Mustache Maniacs Film Co.: The Visual Dictionary - 3rd Edition, Cooking With Flex: Recipes Across Mustache Maniacs Film Co.'s Cinematic Universe, and Tales Across The World: A Short Story Collection, contain content that is directly tied to the novel. However, despite these talks, we have decided that the three books will not be changed in any way, even if the novel in question ends up being cancelled. They have the benefit of tying into each other as a failsafe should it come to that, but they will still be produced as if the book is going to be written. On top of that, the short story Gertrude and Lily still ties into Johnny Thunder and the Trail of Botnik, further helping it along in a worst-case scenario.

Stay Connected for More!

    If you want to continue to explore our network of content, be sure to like us on Facebookwatch us on YouTubevisit us at our website, and buy from us at our store! And of course, check back often throughout the year to see everything that's new!


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