Follow Our Live Updates for BRAWL 2024 Right Here!

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; June 21, 2024)

    In the past, we've done this special thing for some of our THAC and BRAWL entries by bringing you a live update of the film's progress! This year, we decided to give that another go for the ending of Cancelled Film Revival, sending off this multi-film project with a bang! But first, here's an update regarding some schedule changes.

Updates to the Releases for Galactic Convoy, Sackie's Mishap (And Other Tales), and A Future in the Past

    Before we get into the grittiness of the development for Basking in Fields of Green, we wanted to share some updates regarding our upcoming releases. First off, because of the special effects needed to make the film look great, as well as needing all of the voice recordings, Galactic Convoy is being delayed to July 12, including its production gallery. In other news, while these next two dates are tentative and NOT official, we are aiming to release A Future in the Past on October 18 and Sackie's Mishap (And Other Tales), including its art gallery, is aiming to release on September 6.

The Development for Basking in Fields of Green Begins June 22!

    Now it's time for what will be the bulk of this press release: the live development of Basking in Fields of Green! This romance is set to be released on June 30, but how it will play out will be determined when BRAWL 2024's theme is announced. For every milestone that this project hits, we will update this press release, with the latest news at the bottom. When the clock strikes 4 PM PDT, keep an eye out on this press release for more information as it becomes available!


    16:01 - The theme has just been announced as "Follow." We're already wondering how on Earth this is going to work as a romance film.

    22:15 - And we think we've figured it out. We've finished the rough draft of the film's script, with an emphasis on the rough. We still need to iron out the script before anything else can happen, especially production. At least with the plans to recycle foliage from A Future in the Past, set construction this time around will be a breeze. In other words, the exact opposite of Galactic Convoy.


    11:34 - We're almost ready to begin production! The script has been finalized and auditions for the film's three characters are now open! You can find the casting call by CLICKING HERE and taking a look to see if these roles are right for you. Hurry, though! Casting ends this Tuesday!

    14:06 - The production phase has just begun! Filming will begin on the secondary sets of the museum and pizzeria before shifting its focus to the park, where a majority of the film takes place.

    17:14 - Filming is still on-going but work on filming at the museum and pizzeria has wrapped up! Time for a union-mandated break!

    17:26 - EARTHQUAKE! Well, actually more of a slight SoCal shake. It might have caused the 2nd unit producer to spill his coffee, though, which will send him into a tirade. Actually, anything will. Time to spend $50 of the production's budget on his... what was it again? Double-shot slow drip tall decaf espresso 2/3-inch cream skim with brew glitter... to go.

    18:13 - In order for production to continue, the last set needs to be built! However, set construction for the park has just started! In the meantime, auditions are starting to roll in for the film's three characters! We'll announce the final cast later this week.

    20:21 - We're just about ready to start filming the park sequences. The set is looking great, our apprehensions about the film relating to the theme of "Follow" have subsided, but now we're also second-guessing our decision to name this film Basking in Fields of Green in advance. It's poetic, it's romantic, and it doesn't have much to do with this film. Tomorrow, we'll see if we can come up with a better name for this film, but at least it's better than the title for the cancelled film that this film is resurrecting (Love & Kisses; who came up with THAT name?).

    22:20 - We've filmed a good amount of the park sequence, but now it's time to stop for the night. We will resume filming tomorrow. In the meantime, here are some stills from today's shoot.


    09:01 - We're back to shoot one scene in the park! It's a quick scene, but we're busy with pre-scheduled commitments today, so this is essentially all we can do for now. However, we've been getting lots of auditions for the film's three characters, so this might be even more heated than the competition for the casting call for Galactic Convoy!

    09:26 - The short scene in the park has just wrapped up! We're going to film the last scene for the film tomorrow (internally dubbed "the silent dance"), but we're going to start editing today! It's just compiling assets at this point, but this will give us a head start for later this week! Finally, we're now REALLY second-guessing the film's title. Basking in Fields of Green sounds too poetic for a film that focuses more on the self-discovery side of romance. Because of this, studio leadership has posted the following challenge: all studio personnel are invited to suggest a new title for this film. The winner will receive a $50 gift card to the retailer of their choice. All participants will receive a free banana from the studio commissary.

    10:50 - Not trying to outdo the auditions rolling in for this film's casting call, we've received A LOT of ideas for a new title for this film. We've had to reject some of them due to them being inappropriate or off-limits due to trademarks, but we still have a lot of options to choose from. The top contenders, in alphabetical order, are:

  • Age of New Love
  • Below Surface-Level
  • Brawling During BRAWL (We just received word from legal that this name has been taken by another BRAWL entry, so we can't use it.)
  • Do You Really Know Her?
  • A Heart of Understanding
  • Love & Understanding
  • A Silent Melody
  • Summer Blossom
  • True Love's Course
  • Truly in Love
  • What Is Love?
  • What Lies Underneath
  • Young & In Love
  • Young Love

Either way, it looks like the commissary is going to be giving away A LOT of produce tomorrow! We'll announce our final pick, alongside the final title treatment, tomorrow.


    09:45 - We're almost ready to film the final scene of the film, but before we begin, we just wanted to take a moment to announce the winner for our new title competition! Congratulations to 1st Unit Grip Natasha Nickelson for coming up with the film's new title: True Love's Course. Our design team just finished changing the title treatment, which is below

Once again, congratulations! Your gift card is waiting for you at the studio reception office. And also, a special shout-out to Nathan Wilson on coffee runner duty, whose suggestion, Do You Really Know Her?, will be used as the film's tagline! Enjoy your day off! As to all who participated, enjoy your free banana! And if our IT team is wondering, no. We are not changing the names of the existing assets for this film, since that's too much pointless work. Enjoy being confused for the rest of the week.

    10:01 - Filming has begun on the last scene of the film! This scene is, in some ways, also the reason why this film exists in the first place (it's the aforementioned Silent Dance), so we're planning on taking our time to do it right.

    14:43 - And that's a wrap! Filming for Basking In-- Uh, I mean True Love's Course has now concluded! Once the files have been compiled for editing, it'll be time for a long union break!

    20:25 - Auditions have officially closed for this film, and we received a grand total of 16 submissions! We're now going to review the auditions, so check back shortly for the final cast announcement!

    20:46 - On the one hand, choosing the right actors from the auditions this time around was extremely difficult, but on the other hand, that does speak to all of the talent that auditioned! With that said, we are pleased to announce the cast of True Love's Course!

  • Brent Milger - Vincent
  • Peter Clark - Reuben Singh Heer
  • Janet Dwight - Creating W/Cherri

They have just been sent the script, which they will use to record their lines for the film. In the meantime, the animation is about to be timed to (hopefully) fit the dialogue.


    12:19 - There's not much to share today, other than the fact that all of the animation has been timed and that the recordings for Peter Clark have been inserted. We're about to start work on the end credits. Again, nothing exciting.

    12:34 - And... we just finished the end credits. The rest of this week is going to be pretty boring here, isn't it?


    07:19 - The recordings for Brent Milger's dialogue have just arrived. We're going to insert them into the film later, but now it's just a matter of waiting for the last batch of dialogue. Could the film wrap up development today? Only time will tell...

    18:52 - And we just got the dialogue for Janet Dwight! It's time to begin the final timing and sound editing! More will follow.

    23:10 - Finally, the film is now done! We're about to upload it for release on June 30, but while you wait, here's the official video thumbnail for this film! Be aware that the film will release with the Twenty Years Young version of this thumbnail. This thumbnail will be implemented in 2025, after the celebration has ended.

    23:28 - At last, True Love's Course has officially been completed! To everyone who joined us on this live update, thank you for sticking by us, even though the film's production was messiness incarnate! From a title change to an angry assistant and more, we can now officially say that it's time for our vacation! We'll see you all again at the premiere on Sunday!


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    If you want to continue to explore our network of content, be sure to like us on Facebookwatch us on YouTubevisit us at our website, and buy from us at our store! And of course, check back often throughout the year to see everything that's new!


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