"Com 50: Peril in Iran": A Film with a Continuity Issue and Its Current Place in the Cinematic Universe

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; February 12, 2024)

    With last Thursday's dual re-releases, you might be wondering what is up with Com 50: Peril in Iran and its place in the canon timeline. Here is that complicated history, what we've done about it, and how we're handling this going forward.

Com 50: Peril in Iran: A Usurped Remake

    As was mentioned in our crash course on Com 50, Com 50: Peril in Iran was basically a remake of Com 50, mainly because we didn't have the means at the time to import the footage of the older film for editing. However, during the From the Vaults promotion in 2012, in a move to make the Com 50 Trilogy better align with the stylistic direction of Com 50-3: Raid on Central Island, Com 50 became the new first film in the trilogy, with Com 50: Peril in Iran basically being thrown to the wind. It was deemed too similar in plot, and the World War 3 setting clashed with the story of the greater cinematic universe. So, what would happen to this discarded film?

Retconned and Re-canonized Elsewhere in the Multiverse

    As fate would have it, this film would end up being thrown a lifeline in 2015, when the canon was updated to re-introduce the film, but in a new context. Thanks to the confirmed existence of the multiverse, Com 50: Peril in Iran became the events of Com 50 as they happened in Dimension 525, the home to projects such as The Drama Zone: Nightmare at Shady Acres and Dino Attack: Saga of a Conflict. While this did fix most of the issues, this did leave the problem of the World War 3 setting in the air. This was never addressed...until now.

The Final Fix: Dimension 525's Com 50

    As a part of the film's Twenty Years Young re-edit, the film underwent some notable changes. Mainly, these were to update the film's visuals to better align with the Com 50 Trilogy, but one change that was made was that, after nineteen years, the entire premise of the film being set against World War 3 was finally dropped, with all references chopped out of the film. It helps that no one elsewhere in Dimension 525 refers to World War 3, so this change helped to finally make this film make complete canonical sense.

    Now, there is the question of where Com 50 was at during the Dino Attack War covered in Dino Attack: Saga of a Conflict. Would he have joined the D.I.N.O Attack Team to repel the mutant dinosaurs? The long and short answer is that, canonically, Com 50 tried to help hold off the initial wave of mutant dinos right before his retirement day but died in the onslaught, thus explaining his absence in the comics and RPG.

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