Studio Update: An Inclusion Initiative for "Twenty Years Young" and BRAWL 2023 Results are Here!

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; July 17, 2023)

    In only a short amount of time, we have now heard some great feedback about our projects and some ways to move forward in time for Twenty Years Young! Here's all of the details.

The BRAWL 2023 Results Have Been Released! How did Braford Rant: Beginnings Do?

    After a surprisingly short amount of time, Bricks In Motion has released the final results for BRAWL 2023! With over 150 entries, the competition was definitely tense, but ultimately, Bradford Rant: Beginnings did not win any prizes or get into the top 20 entries. With that said, we would like to congratulate the winners and the top 20 entries, as well as give a shout out to Bricks in Motion and the rest of the entries. If you want to take a look at the rankings yourself, JUST CLICK HERE. With that said, Bradford Rant: Beginnings did bring up a point of contention (and possibly the reason for not ranking highly).

Full Closed Captioning is Coming to all of Our films for Twenty Years Young!

    In case you were not aware, due to scheduling complications, Bradford Rant: Beginnings used our first-ever full AI-generated voice cast! While we have already mentioned that this is quite the useful tool for projects with tight schedules, there were also some issues that were brought up about this technology (and why we will still prioritize human actors). Firstly, the acting sometimes fell flat, but with an algorithm unable to listen to a director, there was no way to fix this. The second point was that if AI doesn't know how to pronounce certain words, you were left with sometimes jumbled words, with the issues with acting rising up again.

    Also, fans have been noting with older films that, due to older and more archaic sound design, even human-acted dialogue can sometimes be indecipherable. Putting aside issues with deaf fans and viewers, the poor sound in some of our older films could easily distort dialogue. Therefore, starting with Bradford Rant: Beginnings, all of our films will be closed-captioned between now and the end of 2024! We've tried doing this in the past, but this time, we will commit to completing captions for all of our films. In addition to this, all of our upcoming films will contain captions right at release! This is one place where we will use artificial intelligence widely, where the technology will generate a rough captioning track, with the final track correcting any mistakes.

Remember to Vote for The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards!

    Speaking of those upcoming releases, The Fourth Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards is still looking for your votes! Be sure to click HERE to cast your ballot for this special event! Hurry, all ballots MUST be accepted on or before August 31, 2023!

Lead Out

    So with these announcements, we still have a lot of work to do before Twenty Years Young arrives! Stay tuned for more information!


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