Studio Updates: Welcome to the Canon, Captain D. Rom, Further in-Depth to "Camel: The Movie," and Studio Construction Continues!

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; April 3, 2022)

    After Friday's hijinks and irreverence, it's time to take a look at some real news! Here's everything that has been happening this past weekend!

The Captain D. Rom Films Have Been Inducted into the Canon!

    Like we mentioned on Friday, even though the entire film library of Rioforce Productions is not canon, we have determined that his Captain D. Rom series does work in-universe and technically is roped in through both (un)denial and LEGO Island (both of which feature the title character). Therefore, here is the official run-down of how each of these films fit into the continuity, including any retcons to make them work in-universe.

  • Captain D. Rom in: Infraction at the Intersection: This film takes place in 1978 before any of the other films in this series (something confirmed by the film itself). While never mentioned in-film, these films all take place on LEGO Island (at least in this universe). The reason why Nick Brick is not present in this film is because he is younger than Laura, and was therefore still in the academy when she graduated. On top of that, this film is so intertwined with the fellow BRAWL 2018 entry Margaret's Pretzels by Pongowl, that film is also being inducted into the canon as taking place concurrently.
  • Captain D. Rom in: The Felony at the Fruit Stand: This film takes place in 1990 and while this film seems to imply that Johnny Thunder is the only adventurer around, this is explained away by the fact that Captain D. Rom is a moron. Johnny Thunder is the only adventurer famous at the time that Captain D. Rom had heard of.
  • Captain D. Rom in: New Recruits: This film takes place in 1996 (a year before the events of LEGO Island), which seems weird because the only recruit hired in the film, Hudson, isn't in the game, but Nick Brick is, even though he's not in the film. The way that this is reconciled is that Nick Brick was hired on after Hudson at Laura's request (and therefore after the events of the film), and since Hudson is only around to make pretzels, he's never actually seen in LEGO Island.
  • Captain D. Rom in: The Surveillance Situation: This film takes place in 2004 (after the entirety of the LEGO Island story), and does require a few retcons. Firstly, Nick Brick's absence for the rest of the series is explained away as him being on a different case at the time of each film. Also, while The Brickster is stated to be LEGO Island's only criminal, this film shows that other criminals exist on LEGO Island. This is explained away by the fact that The Brickster is LEGO Island's only criminal during the events of the games. Other criminals do exist during that timeframe, but they're all in jail, meaning that they're not seen during the video games. In fact, this is subtly backed up by LEGO Island itself, where Nick Brick's Cold Open in the Information Center shows him pursuing a criminal that is definitely NOT The Brickster.
  • Captain D. Rom in: Abduction on an Exotic Island!: This film takes place in 2010 (since Captain D. Rom mentions that he's been absent for years) and also requires a few retcons. The film uses some Americana iconography and music, even though LEGO Island is canonically a territory of French Guiana. This goes back to the fact that Captain D. Rom is an idiot. As for the natives in the film, that is canonically the same tribe that Pepper and Luna encounter in The Crystal Brick.
  • Captain D. Rom in: The Birthday Bandit: This film takes place in 2016. No retcons are needed to explain away anything here.
  • Captain D. Rom in: TIME TIME TURMOIL: This film takes place in 2021 and features the same museum that was last seen in The Stolen Painting. The time machine seen in this film was intended to make reference to the Rioforce Studios film Journey to the Center of Time, but since that film is non-canon, the canon retcons the time machine into being one of Dr. Cyber's inventions from the future that was accidentally sent far into the past.
  • Captain D. Rom in: To Be a Bug on the Wall...: This film takes place in 2022. No retcons are needed to explain away anything here.
While this does flesh out LEGO Island's history, this might cause issues with the canonical ages of Nick Brick, Laura Brick, and Captain Dominic Rom. Those will be updated as needed later this month. Also, as more films are released in this series, we'll observe and canonize them as we go. However, since so much of our canon now hinges on outside but related stories to make sense of certain plot points, we're going to make a new change to our online network.

Official Cinematic Universe Timeline YouTube Playlist To Be Updated with Non-Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Videos!

    While we do already have our canonized fan contest videos in the official timeline playlist of our cinematic universe, this will mark the first time that films not produced by us but canonical nonetheless will be included in this playlist! We will, of course, limit ourselves to what's available to YouTube, so gaps will still exist. Nevertheless, this will certainly help our fans navigate through our cinematic universe with ease! The Captain D. Rom films have already been added, and more films will be added throughout the year. We will not be uploading videos that are not our property solely for this purpose, however.

Camel: The Movie: What to Expect from the REAL Film

    Going back to films that are our own, the Camel: The Movie that was released on April 1 was obviously NOT the actual film. That film will be released on December 20 in order to wrap up the year. With that said, you might be wondering what the actual film is going to be like. Generally speaking, without any spoilers, this is what you can expect from Camel: The Movie.

  • The Opening from the Joke Film Will Be the Same: This probably comes as no surprise, but in order to save on resources and to make the joke more convincing before the reveal, the beginning of the joke film is the actual opening for the final film, though there will be some editing differences. The place where the final film continues on its course is the map shot at the tourist market.
  • The Film Will Be a Christmas Film: Originally, the entire film was going to be the April Fool's Day joke, but when the premise of centering around Christmas was chosen amongst the different story options, the change in making the joke film a music video was created. This is why the film is going to be released on December 20. However, we cannot say any more about the plot, mainly because the change for the joke means that the script is going to need to go through some rewrites.
  • The Film Will Bring Patrick Hooligans Back in for the Finale: Bringing things full circle, Patrick Hooligans is going to be heard at the finale, marking the film with some bookends: Camel begins and ends his journey near Patrick and his associates.
  • There Will Be No Dialogue (Outside of Archive Audio): In the spirit of The Easter Egg and Gone Ice Fishin', the film will be dialogue-free, outside of some recycled audio. This is mainly because the film focuses on Camel, who cannot talk. On the other hand...
  • A Song by East to West Will Be Featured in the Final Film: Yes, you read that right. The band that was created to write the song for the joke version of the film is going to be contributing to the final version of this film! One of the songs optioned for the joke, titled Spit Take, is currently the favored option. However, any of the songs that are being written for the upcoming album are fair game.

Once again, the film will be out on December 20, 2022.

Construction Delays are Over, Studio Construction Resumes!

    It's been a long time coming, but construction on our new studio is resuming this month! We don't have an official completion time, but we are glad to have this project back on track! We will keep you updated as we reach the completion time!

Lead Out

    And that finishes today's news. We look forward to finally completing several long-delayed projects, including 'Stache Bot and Alms Pouch: Finished at Last! later this year!


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