Studio Update: Website Glitches Are Fixed, "On The Theme Park Loop" is No More, Other News!

 By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; October 1, 2021)

    We're just about done reorganizing everything to move forward. While this does mean that an ambitious new show had to be sacrificed in order for this to happen, we are excited about what we have planned for the remainder of the year! Let's dive in and find out more!

Music Purchases Now Fixed and New Album Titles!

    With plans upgraded and website assets updated, we're now officially accepting payments for all of our music release sales! And that's not all! With this fix, we've also added the soundtrack album for the reimagined version of Com 50 & 007*! We've priced our albums competitively so that you can get the best deal, and with our partnership program, your purchases will support up and coming music artists! You can start shopping today by clicking here!

Almost All Traces of On The Theme Park Loop are Now Removed!

    With the recent announcement that On The Theme Park Loop had been cancelled, almost all traces of the show's existence have now been removed. Both the website and the YouTube Channel are now gone, with the Gmail inbox soon to also disappear. This work was done alongside the decommission of our Vimeo Channel, which had also been long neglected. The only remaining traces of the show's existence are the music score that can be purchased on our website and all information related to the show on the official wiki.

Alms Pouch: Finished At Last! Begins Reanimating This Month!

    On the other hand, the remake film Alms Pouch: Finished At Last! is preparing for a monumental production this month! Almost all attention will be (ahem) "drawn" to this animation, as we fulfil our promise to complete this film! We're going in with all-new animation and cinematic elements, which are specifically designed to make this film a stand-out animation for us going forward! The film is scheduled to be released November 19, 2021.

Work Gears up for 2022!

    Once that film is finished (at last!), we're then turning our attention to our projects for 2022 and beyond! Work has severely lagged, but we're turning that around as we begin early work for Twenty Years Young! We can't talk about everything that we have in the works too much, but you're sure to like it all!

Celebrate Christmas with...Canonized Spotlight Night Skits?

    Unlike last year, where we marked Christmas in a big way with the releases of both the ending for DINO ATTACK: Saga of a Conflict and Patrick: The Movie, this year's celebration of Christmas is going to be more low-key but more in the spirit of the season. Here's what our mini celebration will entail.

    In case you didn't know, back between 2000 and 2006, the Cornerstone Thespian Society hosted what were called Spotlight Nights, which were collections of short vignette scenes and monologues. While these were a annual tradition, 2005 saw the show transition from January to December for Christmas (meaning that 2005 was the only year with two Spotlight Nights). Mustache Maniacs Film Co. has released video of the performances from 2005 and 2006, and while we haven't done anything with them since then (beyond remastering them for the DVD Archival Project), we have decided to officially canonize select skits from the three performances (following all canon rules set in place for the story team). This is simply to allow for more stories in our cinematic universe, as we will not be releasing any of these skits online. The selected skits will be officially canonized and announced after being reviewed in December.

Lead Out

    And that is everything for today! It's quite the way to kick off October, but we're hoping that this October will be filled with productivity and excitement (and without the threat of our studio burning down that we had last October)! We'll update you as this year draws to a close!

*Please note that Com 50 & 007 is not available to view online. This soundtrack is presented as it was originally created.


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