"On The Theme Park Loop" Has Been Cancelled! What This Means and More!

By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; September 15, 2021)

    In a piece of breaking news, the show that tried, On The Theme Park Loop has ben cancelled! Today, we're going to pick apart what this announcement means and why this show is now over after only one episode.

Why was On The Theme Park Loop Cancelled?

    We've been looking over this show that has slowed down tremendously in production, and have decided that it would not be beneficial to our brand to move forward with further episodes. There have been concerns internally about the handling of certain topics, as well as an overall lack of enthusiasm for the episodes, so we are now halting all further development. We also feel that it takes too much away from what we really are aiming to pursue. We hope that you understand our reasoning for this difficult decision.

What will Happen to what Remains of the Show?

    For the remainder of September, mostly nothing. However, on October 1, almost all traces of the show's existence will be removed. Here is our current timetable for removing references to the show:

  1. By September 20, all hyperlinks in the existing network that connect to the show will be removed. This will also be the time that payments for music on the website will be fixed.
  2. By October 1, the website, YouTube Channel, designs on our shop, and anything else related to the show will be removed.
Once all of this is said and done, the only public remainders of the show's existence will be the show's music (available to both purchase and stream) and all references on the official wiki.

Where Will Our Focus Be Going Forward?

    We realize that the themed entertainment business is not something that our fans want to see going forward, so we are instead focusing on our core stories and characters. With that said, we do see the storytelling potential of this industry, so we may utilize it in the future to tell new stories.

Does This Affect Any Other Projects?

    At this time, no. On the contrary, since we are no longer using up resources to go in the wrong direction, this will allow us to focus more on more important projects that will shape our future going forward.

Is There Anything Else That I Need to Know?

    If you are a member of our team, you will be able to access this show's style guide upon request, primarily for reference, starting on January 1, 2022. For everyone else, if you want to pick up one of this show's designs in our store (CLICK HERE TO SHOP), you have until October 1 to place your order.


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