Studio Update: Studio Woes, Story Team Moving Ahead, and Wiki Updates!

By: Andrew Bermudez

(Mustache Maniacs Film Co Headquarters; September 19, 2020)

    We're hard at work filming here at the studio, but we have some time to give you all an update of what has been going on. Read on to find out more!

First Official Pictures of Sobek-Ra!

    We're moving along with the production of Patrick: The Movie, and while we are still adhering to our strict closed set policy in response to the pandemic, we do have permission to show you some official photos of the massive Sobek-Ra animatronic that will be used in the film!

    As you can see here, Barry Hollows, the film's director, has been inspecting the animatronic's testing recently as preparations concluded on the next set for filming. Needless to say, he's been very happy with the end result and looks forward to working with it when those scenes are ready to shoot. Sobek-Ra will be first seen in action when the trailer for Patrick: The Movie debuts later this year, then you'll see it in all of its terrifying glory in Patrick: The Movie!

Studio Software Problems Persist; Projects Changed in Response!

    Unfortunately, we are still having problems with our programs. We are continuously trying to solve the problem, but with these problems continuing to affect our workflow. Because of this, our on-going projects are currently in the following states.

  • Septemberfest 2020: This contest is on-going, but we will not be able to make an entry for this contest, as we currently have no way to work on the film.
  • Alms Pouch: Finished At Last!: This project has been delayed to 2021, when our entire system is expected to be back up and running.
  • Cities That You Must Absolutely, Positively, Stay Out Of to Avoid Being Eaten Alive: The illustrations for this book have been simplified into photo-bashes of what the locations would look like if you were to just "snap a photo" of the locale. The book is now on-track for an October 2020 release.
  • 10 Years of LEGO Universe Celebration: This is being heavily simplified from almost thirty posters to some simple character design reveals. The first-ever teaser for Legends of the Universe is still on-track for release on October 26, 2020.
  • On-Going Film Productions: Post-Production work on all current projects has been halted due to these issues. Filming has not been affected by these issues and can commence without delay.

We hope that these issues can be resolved as soon as possible, so that we can get back to producing new content in the years ahead!

Welcome Our First Story Team Member!

    On to some better news, we would like to introduce you all to our first story team member: John Hitchcock! He's an aspiring writer with a deep passion for cinema (which he writes about on his blog Hitchcock's World), so we're glad to bring him onto our story team! We're already in touch with him, sharing the information that he'll be needing for joining the story team, yet we're on the hunt for more people to write for us! If you're interested, take a look at this press release to find out what being a part of our story team means! And speaking of our story team...

Story Team Forming Date Moving Forward!

    With the story bible basically complete and interest starting to be generated, we have made the decision to move up the start date for our story team (which also pushes up the internal release of the story bible). Now, the story team will officially begin work on October 1, 2020! We are looking forward to having new minds working with our cinematic universe and we can't wait to see what they have in store for us! In preparation for this, we have been working on something else entirely.

Good Housekeeping on the Official Wiki!

    Recently, we have looked at exemplary wikis around Fandon and have taken inspiration on how to improve our own wiki. Between now and the end of the month, we're getting ready for the start of our story team by making some formatting changes to the wiki. In their off-time, they will be responsible for keeping the official wiki up-to-date, but before this happens, there are some changes that we want to implement.

  • The details section on each page will be retired. Instead, every page will have an infobox that includes all of the information from the old details section, plus more.
  • Infoboxes that do exist will be updated to be streamlined, removing content that has been deemed unnecessary.
  • Additional images will be uploaded for use in articles, since the official archive of content is not cloud-based.
  • For pages that need work, new notices will be added that clarify this. Stubs are now recognized as such.
  • For additional clarity, notices if a page's subject is not yet released, non-canon, and more will be added. Spoiler notices have been updated with a new look.
  • Due to on-going restrictions, Wiki Mondays: Quarantine Edition will resume on September 21 and will last until December 28 at the latest. This, however, may sometimes only result in editing an existing page instead of making a new one from scratch.

Most of these changes will be ready to go on October 1, when the story team will officially form.

Will Patrick: The Movie be Completed this Year?

    With that out of the way, there is one more thing that needs to be addressed? how will all of this affect Patrick: The Movie? Will its release be pushed off to 2021? Generally speaking, it's too early to answer that question, but here's a breakdown of what could halt or speed up production.

  • Sobek-Ra is Done!: This is very good news for the film, as this was one area that we struggled with. With that hurdle crossed, we're good to go in filming those scenes. The only thing that remains is to get the animatronic out to the set.
  • Our Software Isn't Working: This is one sticking point that might delay the film indefinitely. We want this fixed sooner rather than later, but the reality is that we don't know when this will be fixed. We think we know what's wrong, though.
  • Our Story Team is Forming: While we have a story team coming on-board next month, this will not force a rewrite in any way. The film is too far along for that, though the script will be available for the story team if they need it.
  • Working on the Wiki: Being unrelated, this won't affect Patrick: The Movie in any way.

All-in-all, we're hoping to have the film out this winter, but nothing is for certain until we have a release date confirmed.

Lead Out

    We are looking at a challenging Fall, but we are aiming to handle these issues as effectively as possible. Stay safe and we'll see you next time!


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