Website Updates are Coming June 28, 2020!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; June 6, 2020)
    You would never be able to tell from visiting our website today, but our website metadata re-structuring is well underway! Read on for more info!

Why are we Re-Structuring our Website's Code?
    Recently, after adding content related to How To Build a Log Cabin, we were alerted via Wix that our website cannot have more than 100 static pages. We were at 98 static pages total, but we would be able to have an unlimited number of pages if we converted our entire website to dynamic pages. Currently, we've finished this step, but now we need to re-connect any broken links throughout the website for navigation (which is ALL of them). We're in the process of this step, with work at least proceeding smoothly.

The Updated Website will go Live on June 28!
    To coincide with the release of our entry for BRAWL 2020, we're debuting our updated website with the said film! Now, with these changes being internal, you might be wondering why we're even reporting on these changes at all. After all, the website will visually look the same, as this change is only a utility-related one. Read on to find out more!

The Changes that You Will See!
    That's because these utility-related changes will not be the only changes coming to the website. Since this update comes on the same date as the release of our BRAWL 2020 entry, we're also using this time to make some cosmetic changes to the website. Many of these will be related to the release of the said BRAWL entry, but there are other changes planned for this update. Here is everything planned for the website update that will be visible to visitors.
  • Our BRAWL 2020 entry will have its own page, completely created using our new interface! You will be able to find it under the "Short Films" category.
  • The book Cities That You Must Absolutely, Positively, Stay Out of to Avoid Being Eaten Alive will have its own page, also created using the new interface. You'll find it in the "Coming Soon" category.
  • Both of the above pieces of content will receive their own navigation banners.
  • The audition sheets for Kai, Nya, Cole, Jay, Zane, and Lloyd will be updated to match those characters' new looks.
  • Audition sheets for the newly-written characters Bartender, Black Bart, Cheater, Cowboy, Dentist, General Store Owner, Big Betty, Daisy Kaboom, Duke Detain, Frank Lupelli, Inspector Wheeler, Rooky Partnur, Snake Rattler, Tom Bennett, Vito, Beck Strongheart, Friendly Felix, Skee Daddle, and Waiter will be added to their respective movie audition pages.
  • Since it is out now, the auditions page for the special edition of The Adventures of Legoman will be removed.
  • Featured content on the home page will be updated.
  • All shows will receive the number of seasons for that show in their details bar, replacing the current "Series" describer.
We do not have plans for any other changes during this update, but if we do decide to alter anything else, we will let you know.

Other Project Updates
    In other news, we have some important updates regarding our other projects! Here is where we are at right now.
    Patrick: The Movie is rolling right along with production, with hopes of finishing most of the filming this month. Right now, the pyramid interior is being filmed, which constitutes most of the film. This is very good news, as this means that finishing up production on this set will complete roughly a majority of the film. Filming for the movie is expected to be completed this summer.
    Other current productions are still in their planning phases, however. Alms Pouch: Completed At Last! is still working on redesigns, as well as creative ways to clean up and reuse some of the film's existing assets, such as the backgrounds. Production on this film is not expected to begin until after the releases of both our BRAWL 2020 entry, as well as the finished version of DINO ATTACK: Saga of a Conflict.
    Speaking of which, DINO ATTACK: Saga of a Conflict is just about done. Comics 4 and 5 are currently receiving clean line work while comic 6 is being sketched out. Even if all three comics aren't ready for July 1, we are certain that at least one will be.
    Finally, work has sped up on the construction of the new studio campus. No one is quite sure of how the hybrid of Mission Revival and Art Deco is going to look until construction is complete, but this new studio will allow us to seamlessly work on multiple projects at once.
    However, work on Johnny Thunder and the Secret of Marco Polo: The Adventure Retold has been paused. This is partly due to the pandemic, but this is also because of the on-going filming for Patrick: The Movie. Once that film has wrapped, work can formally begin on remaking Johnny Thunder and the Secret of Marco Polo.

Lead Out
    That's all that we have for you today, but don't be surprised if we go quiet for the next few weeks. With all of these projects on our plate, we are going to be very busy this month!


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