Release Date for "How To Build a Log Cabin" Has Been Moved Up!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 17, 2020)
     Here's something that we thought that we would NEVER say: we're moving up the release date for How To Build a Log Cabin! Here's all of the details.

How To Build a Log Cabin is Now Coming May 22!
     Around here, delays had become the norm, with films being delayed for years. This, of course, built up to our announcement last year to withhold release dates until a viable release date nears. Well, in light of that, we're moving How To Build a Log Cabin up from its original May 29 release date! We are pleased to announce that How To Build a Log Cabin will now debut one week ahead of schedule on May 22, just in time for Memorial Day!
     This announcement also saw the release of the film's official poster, which uses stills from the film to summarize the film's quick and funny story. If you never thought that you would ever see a bear with a power drill in its mouth, think again! This film's page on the official website will be added on the day that the film debuts. However, with May 29 free, this brings us to our next piece of news.

The Adventures of Legoman: Special Edition To Debut May 29!

     The re-release of our original superhero film is just about ready to go, with only a few tweaks that need to be made to the original. Because of this, we have decided to re-release this film just one week after How To Build a Log Cabin on May 29! This new re-edit will take this cult classic and update it with the special effects that we always wanted this film to have, but were not feasible with our level of technology back in 2009. We guarantee that it will look better than ever with these big changes!

Covid-19: Our Summer Plans Updated

     After the re-release of The Adventures of Legoman, we will officially be in the summer, a season that has been questioned ever since the Covid-19 pandemic started. We already have a decent volume of content under our belt for this year, but in light of the on-going crisis, here is where we currently stand with our 2020 projects.
  • Patrick: The Movie: This film will definitely begin production this week, with safety procedures in place on the set to make sure that everyone remains safe. "We are excited to begin production on this highly-anticipated spin-off," said Barry Hollows, the film's director. "Between the recent release of Pharaoh's Quest: The Curse of Amset-Ra and the upcoming release of Johnny Thunder 2, now is a great time to be a fan of our adventuring stories! That, and I can assure you all once again that this is going to be the best origin story movie ever made! Now about getting that Sobek-Ra robot built." Patrick: The Movie is expected to be released late 2020/early 2021.
  • Johnny Thunder and the Gift of the Nile: Special Edition: This special edition is on track for a summer debut, but unlike The Adventures of Legoman, this re-release still has a lot of work that needs to be done. "I have put Seth Masterson in charge of creating a new scene for this re-release," said LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew. "We hope that we can get that done in June, but he said that if push comes to shove, the new scene might have to be cut out of the re-release. At least the new map sequences are done." This re-release is expected to be released sometime in the summer, possibly in July.
  • DINO ATTACK: Saga of a Conflict: These comics have line work ready for the fourth and fifth comics, but with six comics planned in total, these will need some time. The plan is to have them finished by the end of this year, since this year marks the fifteenth anniversary of Dino Attack RPG, which is a realistic assessment at this time. However, with the comics' new direction, existing comics may need to be edited to fit the new premise.
  • Alms Pouch: Finished At Last!: This film has not been touched since the original cut debuted in 2015, but with only some colorization and clean-up work needed, it is considered feasible to finish this animation by the end of this year, something that has been promised since the start of Digital Decade back in January 2018. "We haven't produced any hand-drawn animation since the original cut of this film," said, Steve Brocko, head of Drawn to Life Animation. "So finishing up this film will not only give us more work for our artists to do at home, it will also test the waters to see how people feel about our hand-drawn animations." The film will debut later this year.
  • Cities That You Must Absolutely, Positively, Stay Out of to Avoid Being Eaten Alive: This book is being simplified in response to the pandemic, but it is still in the works. It will receive illustrations over the summer that are inspired by Forest of Fear, and will be released in October 2020.
  • BRAWL Contest Entry: At this point in time, no details have been announced regarding this year's BRAWL contest, but we do have plans to enter it. Ocean of Fear was a sleeper hit with our fans and audience, and we see the potential for another BRAWL entry to garner a similar response. More details will be revealed as contest details emerge, which should be sometime next month.
  • BiM Summer Contest Entry: We are sad to say that we are going to have to cancel our hypothetical entry into this still-unknown contest. When we evaluated this project in relationship to our other projects, we decided that this was one sacrifice that we could make. Granted, this contest gives creators three months to create a film, but it was actually our other summer project, which audiences won't be able to see, that killed any possibility of this project going forward.
  • Website meta-data restructuring: It came to light recently that our website has become massive! While the website is designed to create uniformity across multiple pages, they are all still what is called "static pages," meaning that each page has to be created individually, and that uniform look has to be achieved manually. Because of this, our website currently has 97 pages (98 if you count the upcoming page for How To Build a Log Cabin). Wix will not allow for more than 100...unless the website is overhauled to feature dynamic pages, which builds the website's uniform look into the website data. It will be a slow process, but one that needs to be done. We are aiming to have this done by the end of this year, though this does mean that we cannot enter Bricks in Motion's summer contest (as mentioned above) because of this project (and also because that would mean one page closer to our current limit). The website is not expected to go down for maintenance at any time during this change.
Lead Out
     Looks like we have a lot of content for all of our fans to enjoy over the next few months while we continue to stay at home! Keep checking back for more updates!


  1. I'm currently working on a project with the working title of "Dino Attack RPG: Director's Cut", a re-edit of Dino Attack RPG with consistent formatting, corrected grammar, revised canon, etc. for an improved reading experience. I hope to have it released on July 1 in celebration of Dino Attack RPG's fifteenth anniversary.

    If you can get Saga of a Conflict finished by the end of 2020 as well, it will be the perfect tie-in with the "Director's Cut"! But if you're too busy with other projects, then I will certainly understand and I would much rather see you take your time instead of rushing to get it completed by some arbitrary deadline.


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