Studio Update: New Logos Revealed, Capturing Errors, and BRAWL 2017!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; May 28, 2017)
     For our U.S. fans, tomorrow is Memorial Day, and that means a day filled with fun! But before we get to that, we have another studio update coming your way!
     First, we have two new title treatments to share for future Project U films! The first one that is up is for the film that follows Pharaoh's Quest: The Curse of Amset-Ra: A Future in the Past!
The title treatment is designed to reflect the look of the design for the Time Cruisers logo, but also feel original to the film. The Hypno Disk featured in the logo was photographed just for this title treatment, with the damage being added by overlaying a rough metal texture.
For this title treatment for Johnny Thunder and the Wonders Beneath the Waves, there was a need to finally give the Johnny Thunder films a unified title design for the fourth, fifth, and sixth films. This design goes in that direction, while also exploring an underwater, oceanic look. The final font choice was made for its ancient look, and it was all warped slightly to look like it is caressing on a wave. The distressing was achieved with an image of eroded rock.
     If you can't wait for our other films, we'll have title designs for the rest of the Project U films ready to go by the end of the year.
     In the meantime, production has fallen far behind for our various film because, among other reasons, the software to capture the footage is no longer compatible with our system. Fortunately, these problems have been resolved and filming will resume this week. Expect The Third Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards to be out this Summer, with a release for Pharaoh's Quest: The Curse of Amset-Ra coming later this year. While you wait, here's an unedited screenshot from our upcoming historical fiction film mentioned above!
     Finally, word has come out that BRAWL 2017 is going to be held between June 25 and July 2. We will certainly be available to make an entry, but the question remains if our other projects will align properly for this film to happen. We have no guarantees if we will make a BRAWL 2017 entry (especially since our first BRAWL foray, Solarum, received scathing reviews, though that shouldn't be a deterrent), but if we do, we'll follow our THAC formula of introducing a new character, though with more finesse and polish in this instance. We'll let you know what will happen when the time approaches.
     And that's it for today! Come back later this week as we finish up our tenth anniversary celebration for Mystery at Shady Acres, including the canonization of Mr. X's legal name!
Update 5/28/2017: This is pretty unrelated, but on our wiki, you may have noticed that we recently added the year the subject of each page was introduced to the categories bar. Well, we're now extending that to pages about unreleased and unused content, except the year on these pages will be the year the subject was conceptualized, since it was never actually realized. More to follow.


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