Studio Update: New Film, New Actors, and New News!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Headquarters; January 3, 2016)
     Now that THAC XIII is over, it's time to cover some news here at the studio! Here's the latest scoop!
     First off, the main piece of news for today is that our THAC XIII entry, Rift, is now available to view. If you want to watch it for yourself, just watch the embedded video here. We will let you know how this film fared when the THAC XIII results are posted.
     In other news, just as promised, new audition results are in! We are glad to have cast a total of six characters, many of which are significant to the course of Project U. The newly-cast parts, in alphabetical order, are:
  • Bobby Buoy - James "Mr. Disco Taco"
  • Digger - Jack Maroney
  • Dr. Nigel "Inferno" Ponsford-Stand - Jack Maroney
  • Dr. Wallace Bishop - Chris Boyer
  • Rodney Rathbone - James "Mr. Disco Taco"
  • Snap Lockitt - Jack Maroney
Congratulations to all who were cast in round 4 auditions. These parts have been removed from the auditions page, as they are no longer open.
     Speaking of the auditions page, there have been some interesting changes made to that page today. While the six parts listed above are no longer on there, two more have been added. That's right, both Lieutenant Thelma Dorrit and Chase McCain are being re-cast for the future. "While the actress who originally played Dorrit cannot reprise her role, we are also re-casting Chase McCain because we felt that the part can be done better," said LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew. "We want these films to be as good as possible. In some cases, if that means replacing an actor, then so be it." Another change is that the generic character of Nick Parker has been replaced with the more characteristic Tandoori. He still holds the same position that Nick had in B.I.O. Corps, but has much more character to him. Because of this, the audition sheet has been appropriately updated.
     Also on the audition page, we're starting a campaign to get more parts cast. While we did just cast six parts, that's still a very small number compared to round 1, where we were able to cast three entire movies! Because of this, we'll be reaching out to those that are not only interested in animation, but also to those that want to act for animation. But we can't do it alone! Share the auditions page on our website with as many people as possible, so that we can make round 5 auditions great! If you want to audition for this round, you have until May 31, 2016. SIGN UP FOR AUDITIONS TODAY!!!
1/6/2016 Update: This morning, Steve Marlowe informed us that he will not be able to reprise his role as Joe Kilroy. Therefore, that part is now open for auditions. You'll find it under the the list of open characters for A Future in the Past.
     Finally, like mentioned yesterday, tomorrow is the start of Wiki Mondays: Time Warp. We'll begin with an article for Tygurah and a photo from Remember the Alamo, as well as other changes to some of the Wiki articles. We also have other plans set up. We're looking to have part 2 of Alpha Team: Mission Deep Jungle released this Friday, but that may change without notice. And last, but not least, because of the new policy implemented, Speeder has been automatically cancelled. If time allows, we may resurrect it, but that is very unlikely.


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