"Mercury Rising In Our Oceans" Debuts, Introducing Closed Captioning

By: Andrew Bermudez
     Earlier today, the rough version of the "Mercury Rising In Our Oceans" PSA announcement was released on our Flashoverfilms channel, which was submitted to collaborative partners. The final version of the film is scheduled to be released by the end of the year. Until then, though, you can watch the rough version here.
     What makes this release significant, though, is that it introduces Mustache Maniacs Film Co. films to closed-captioning for the first time. "There's a law in place now that states that all videos, including ours, need to be closed-captioned," said LEGO Studios CEO Mark Matthew. "We are making every move we can to have all of our current and upcoming films closed-captioned in order to allow the hearing impaired to enjoy our content." Of course, any videos without dialogue won't be receiving closed-captioning, such as Space Attack and Gone Ice Fishin'. If all goes as intended, all Mustache Maniacs Film Co. movies and their supplemental content (behind the scenes, trailers, etc.) will be closed-captioned by the end of 2014.
     In other news, voting for The Second Mustache Maniacs Film Co. Fan Choice Awards has ended with a surprisingly low turnout compared to the voting for the first fan choice awards. All of the votes have been counted and work will commence on filming the awards ceremony soon.
     Speaking of filming, filming for Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients has slowed down again, but director Steven Lawrence is still confident that the crew will make the new year's deadline. "We have been filming this extensive film for two years now, and it's great to see it wrap up soon," said Steven. "Yes, we are falling behind, but we've already filmed the scenes in the airplane and in Australia, two major milestones in getting the film completed." Even if filming wraps early in 2014, it is still a guarantee that the film will make its July 2014 release.
     As a reminder, Ten Years of Going Crazy! starts January 1, 2014, which will run the entire year.


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