Kitchen Sink Results: "Late for the Soccer Match" wins second place in 13+ category!

By: Andrew Bermudez
(LEGO Studios; November 11, 2012)
     In this midst of Veteran's Day weekend, great news came to the creators of Late for the Soccer Match: the film won second place in the 13+ category in the contest Kitchen Sink! "It is such an honor to have this film do very well with the judges," said film director Seth Masterson. "When I saw what the competition had created, I knew this was going to be a challenging contest, given the unconventional nature of the films submitted. However, the judges recognized our film and chose it for the position of second place." Even though there were only eight entries, Mark Matthew, CEO of LEGO Studios, would like to say well done to all. Everyone did a great job. Here is the shortlist:
Category 1: 6-12
Winner: Torn Apart by Tobias
Audience Choice Award: Lego Interactive by legokingmike217
Runner-up: Stuck by Rook13
Runner-up: What on Earth? by TP Joe
Category 2: 13+
Winner: Lego Adventures by MySnailEatsPizza
2nd Place: Late for the Soccer Match by Mustache Maniacs
Runner-up: The Alligator by Pachest
Runner-up: The last Dovahkiin by Fantomat75
     With this exciting news behind us, work continues on other Mustache Maniacs Film Co. projects. Zoo Flight and New Friends ~ An Environmental Fable will both arrive this Holiday season along with some CGI animation, The Film School Challenge will begin April 2013, along with The Old LEGO Studios Film Hunt, and Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients will be discovered summer 2014.
     Update: A error was just caught, which listed one of the films as being called Sunk. It is actually called Stuck, and the name has been corrected. Also, we have already provided the information needed to receive the prize, which will arrive in the coming weeks.


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