First Look at 'Forest of Fear!'
By: Andrew Bermudez (Lego Studios; September 23, 2011) With substantial work being conducted on Lego Studios' three major projects, Forest of Fear , More Than Meets the Eye , and Johnny Thunder and the Wisdom of the Ancients , the time has come to announce another, but final, delay for Forest of Fear . "We will be entering this film into Festival of Souls 2 on," said director Seth Masterson. "Judging by the criteria, we may not necessarily win, but we just want to get the film out to even more viewers. Because of this, the film will now be released on October 21st." Until then, Seth Masterson would also like to share some shots from the movie to get everyone excited for its release. The monster and werewolf fight. It's a horror movie, so guess what happens to the windmill. The crew on location filming the Howling Hollow shots. The redneck angry mob goes after the monster. Will Mary and Leo e